Buds unfurl and blossom info flowers bringing glory to the garden, similarly the young ones coming to the school blossom and bring pride and joy to their mentors. It is truly said that mother gives birth but the teacher gives worth to an individual. It is our profound privilege that the Almighty has desfined us with the task of shaping the lives of our future generation. The parents hand over their most precious treasure-their child to a teacher with a faith that the teacher will be a mother o their child in their absence and this holds true. | take this opportunity fo delve info my inner most thoughts and share my views about school education which has been a subject very close to my heart. We at Scholars Home Boarding Secondary School are dedicated a lot not fo leave any stone unturned in trying to bring all round development of our students. All the spheres of a child’s personality need shaping with gentle strokes which do not shatter the individual but bring out the best in them.We pray to the Almighty o be with us as our guiding beacon for all times to come.
Manahari Bashyal